Get flight tickets for both local (places within Nigeria) and international travels, cutting across all continents across the world.
Move with confidence
Airport transfers
Getting into a country without any assistance can be tiring and frustrating. Hence we assist our clients to get suitable one-way transport service to ferry passengers along with their luggage(s) from the airport to any other location.
Tourists & Employment Visa
visa processing & Procurement
We assist out clients in getting visas (tourist or employment) to their intended countries.
We also help in booking appointments with embassies depending on their country of destination.
comfort & security
hotel bookings & Reservations
Your comfort and safety is important to us in your journeying and stay abroad.
To give you the best accommodation and travel experiences we’ve made different alliances with hotels across the world all according to your taste and desire.
H&B Travels take the responsibility of advising clients about suitable travel options in accordance with your needs, wants and capabilities.
We meet with clients, discuss and learn about their travel requirements.
Also, we plan your trips to domestic or international destinations, tours,accomodation, transport, insurance and fares
Your First Step ToTravel
First things first. Your passport, your identity
To be a recognized citizen of a country in another country, you need your Passport.
Do you have travel abroad dreams?
Do you have business deals to be carried abroad?
Are you planning a vacation outside the country?
Do you have a passport? If No, then you're not planning well!